Nami Corp

Announcement: Nami.Exchange lists NAC/USDT

Nami Corporation would like to announce NAC is officially listed on Nami.Exchange starting Jul 20,2019.

What is NAC?

Nami Crypto (NAC) is a cryptocurrency that can operate throughout the ecosystem, especially with the most significant application among the others, this is NAC will act as the trading currency for transactions in EURUSD, GBPJPY, GOLD, OIL, S&P500, DAX, BTCUSD, ETHUSD, BTCETH, NACUSD, BTCNAC, XRPUSD, XRPNAC, etc.,

Besides Nami.Exchange, NAC has been listed on and the ForkDelta decentralized exchange, which allows conversion from NAC to ETH.

On Jul 5,2019, Nami.Exchange has just announced to support USDT-ERC20. Users are now able to easily deposit/withdraw both USDT and NAC to individual wallet

How to trade NAC/USDT

Step 1: Login to a account, click “Wallet” and connect to your Metamask wallet.

* If  you do not have Metamask, or are unsure how to use it, please refer to the instructions in this video.

Step 2: enter the NAC amount to deposit into Nami.Exchange, then click “deposit”

Step 3: Place an order on Nami.Exchange


About Nami Corporation

Nami Corp. is a global FinTech company working on Investment and Technology based on Blockchain. It’s not just a single platform, we have created the whole Ecosystem to help Contributors and Traders around the world to utilize their experience and their money with the slogan “Change mindset, make giant steps”.