Nami Corp

Buy Back – Referral program

Nami Corporation would like to introduce “SPIN Referral Program” for users who refer participants to Buy Back Offering. This program is applied along with SPIN Partner Program – UP to 10% Commission.

According to BNB Buy Back mechanism, users will receive lottery tickets based on their SPIN holding.  If users who are under your referral line have 7 tickets (in total), you will earn 1 free ticket and 200 SPIN. Respectively, if they get 14 tickets, you will receive 2 free tickets and 400 SPIN.

For example: You introduced A, B, C, D, E, F to register via your referral link, they will belong to your referral line. 

Number of tickets on SPIN holding

How to refer you friend to join Buy Back and earn commision?


Toal tickets from Users Commission for Partner
7 tickets 1 ticket + 200 SPIN
14 tickets 2 ticket + 400 SPIN
21 tickets 3 ticket + 600 SPIN

Join us on Telegram, kindly contact us via @namicare to become our valued SPIN partner.

If you have any problem about Partner Program, please do not hesitate to contact us via:


About Nami Corporation

Nami Corp. is a global FinTech company working on Investment and Technology based on Blockchain. It’s not just a single platform, we have created the whole Ecosystem to help Contributors and Traders around the world to utilize their experience and their money with the slogan “Change mindset, make giant steps”.