Nami Corp


Dear our valued investors,

First of all, Nami corporation would like to send our most sincere regards to our investors, who have given us their trust and support to this day.

Nami would like to introduce a program to buy back NAC from our investors who have supported us so far, based on particular conditions. Limit amount for each Buy Back to Burn is 100.000 NAC.

Each new partner joining Nami ecosystem devotes to the expansion and development of Nami.Therefore, a portion of revenue and commission from Nami’s White Label partners will be contributed to liquidate NAC. This program aims at encouraging NAC liquidation and controlling total demand of NAC on the market. As a result, NAC price will get supported along with the growth of Nami ecosystem. 

Starting at 8:08pm on 8th August (GMT +7), we have implemented NAC Buy Back to Burn. This program will take place until the purchase of 100,000 NAC. The successful seller is the person who orders the fastest order at the same time opening this system.

Details of the first program

How to join NAC Buy Back to Burn

Step 1: Log in

Step 2: Hold at least 199 SPIN in your account

Step 3: by the time of BUY BACK, click button “SELL NAC NOW”

Step 4: enter your selling amount and click “Confirm”

Your transaction will be confirmed in return if successful

We hope the first NAC Buy Back to Burn will attract more investors and assert once again the value of the NAC.

View detail:


About Nami Corporation

Nami Corp. is a global FinTech company working on Investment and Technology based on Blockchain. It’s not just a single platform, we have created the whole Ecosystem to help Contributors and Traders around the world to utilize their experience and their money with the slogan “Change mindset, make giant steps”.