Nami Corp

NAMI has been listed on Waves Platform

Nami Corporation announced that Nami (a so-called name of NAC on Waves Platform) has been listed on the Waves Platform since Feb 22 2019. Investors who are interested in NAC can now easily exchange, trade, maximize profits with NAC.

Waves Platform is a decentralized blockchain platform, focussing on custom blockchain token operations. Waves has been seen as a public blockchain platform, in which all currencies, assets can be issued and exchanged through complaint gateway operators. Waves also allows individual organization to create and develop their own token with a shared infrastructure, easy-to-use, highly functional tools provided by Waves Platform.

NAMI (a so-called name of NAC on Waves Platform) is a cryptocurrency that can operate throughout the ecosystem, especially with the most significant application among the others, this is – a trading platform. NAMI will act as the trading currency for transactions in EURUSD, GBPJPY, GOLD, OIL, S&P500, DAX, BTCUSD, ETHUSD, BTCETH, etc., and more than 3,000 other instruments to choose from.

After 3 weeks of researching, building up payment gateways to integrate with Waves Platform, NAMI has been listed on Waves, now you can take the opportunity to maximize your profits.

On Waves Platform, Nami (NAC) can be exchanged with BTC, ETH, USD, WAVE. Moreover, Nami has built Nami Pool which provides Nami liquidity on Waves Platform. NAC holders can contribute their NAC to Nami Pool and earn benefits in return.

How to transfer NAC into Nami Pool on

For the first time, Nami pool opens from Feb 22 – Mar 1, 2019.



Waves Platform Company, English ver. Updated January 15th, 2019

Cautionary Statement:



Nami Corp. is a global FinTech Corporation working on Investment and Technology based on Blockchain. It’s not just a single platform, we have created the whole Ecosystem to help Contributors and Traders around the world to utilize their experience and their money with the slogan “Change mindset, make giant steps”.