Nami Corp

Guidance for NAMI transaction on Uniswap

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Swap on Uniswap platform is an easy way to exchange ERC-20 tokens.

Guidance: Choose an input token and an output token to swap easily. Uniswap is different from traditional transactions. Instead of using orderbooks to show liquidity or set prices, Uniswap uses automated market creation to provide instant feedback on rates and slippage.

Users can easily get NAMI Tokens through these following steps:

Step 1:Use your Metamask wallet and visit Uniswap.

Step 2: Select tokens you want to exchange with NAMI, in case you cannot find NAMI tokens please follow the instructions below:

Guidance for adding NAMI Tokens to Uniswaps’ Token list.

Step 3: Enter the amount of ERC-20 tokens swapped to NAMI. Select “CONFIRM SWAP”. After that, the transaction is completed, the screen will return to the Transaction Submit page. Users can choose “View on Etherscan” to view transaction details then select “CLOSE”.

About Nami Corporation

Nami Corp. is a global FinTech company working on Investment and Technology based on Blockchain. It’s not just a single platform, we have created the whole Ecosystem to help Contributors and Traders around the world to utilize their experience and their money with the slogan “Change mindset, make giant steps”.


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